As an organisation we love Jesus and we love people. We believe that everyone has abilities but sometime need a little more opportunity; that’s where empowerment comes in. We believe that Jesus offers hope not just in this world, but also in the next; that’s where discipleship comes in.

Meet the team

  • Grephan Chindongo

    National Director

  • Edwell Chisenga

    Discipleship & Education Coordinator

  • Kanyanta Kambafwile

    Entrepreneurship Coordinator

  • Humphrey Misengo


  • Charles Kabwe

    Microloan Facilitator - Chibombo

  • Lucy Namwila

    Education/Admin Facilitator - Chibombo

  • Daniel Nkhoma

    Microloan Facilitator - Kabwe South

  • Eunice Chilushi

    Education/Admin Facilitator - Kabwe South

  • Mercy Kaumba

    Microloan Facilitator - Kapiri Mposhi

  • Gibson Phiri

    Education/Admin Facilitator - Kapiri Mposhi

  • Wana Kawita

    Microloan Facilitator - Kabwe North

  • Shanon Nalumpa

    Education/Admin Facilitator - Kabwe North

  • Esther Lungu

    Microloan Facilitator - Kafue

  • Gerald Miti

    Education/Admin Facilitator - Kafue

  • Lorraine Chubo

    Microloan Facilitator - Ndola

  • Augusto Chindongo

    Education/Admin Facilitator - Ndola

  • Henry Manda

    Microloan Facilitator - Mpongwe

  • Albert Muwele

    Microloan Facilitator - Chongwe

  • Geraldine Phiri

    Hub Coordinator

  • Hazel Rogers

    Communicaton & Admin Officer

 Core Values


We believe that God gave us the ability to ‘work with our hands’ (1st Thes 4:11, 2nd Thes 3:12) and as an organisation focus on bringing long term sustainable change by empowering the vulnerable.


We desire that all the people we work with will come to know Jesus and grow in faith & love for Him (Matt 28:19-20).

Church Partnerships.

All our work is done through partnerships with local churches and Christian organisations in Zambia who share our values and passion for the vulnerable. Our funds come from the cheerful and generous giving of the global church who delight to partner in the work.

Close Connections.

We believe that the different parts of global church should come together and share their lives through working together, fervent prayer, and mutual respect and edification (Romans 12:4-8). We believe it is vital to dialogue with the needy and answer the needs they have and not the ones we think they have.

Cheerful Giving.

We believe that the ‘Lord loves a cheerful giver’ (2nd Cor 9:7). We aim to keep our supporters informed so that when giving financially and serving in other ways they will delight in what they are doing.


We aim to place resources where they can have the most impact, use them as efficiently as possible and ensure they are always used where intended.

We work with a number of brilliant local Churches and partner organisations in Zambia, together using our skills and knowledge to bring empowerment and discipleship.

three eighteen is a registered charity in Northern Ireland.