We run education programmes to empower children and young people.

  • Tuition fees and uniforms.

    Primary and secondary education in Zambia is now paid by the government, but children from the most vulnerable backgrounds will struggle to buy uniforms and books. We also sponsor a number of our young people through tertiary education courses such as nursing or teaching.

  • Libraries and homework clubs.

    Many families will not have a desk or electric lighting at home to give a conducive study environment. In each of the towns we working in we offer a staffed library space and books for the young people to use. This can have a dramatic impact on their learning.

  • Extraciricular activites.

    We run termly trips to businesses to give the young people a flavour of the careers they could pursue.

Secondary school programmes.

Supporting education for vulnerable families can change their future. Our staff and partners help the young people in a number of different ways.

Family empowerment programmes.

Supporting the children we work with livestock to help their families become independent.

Kapumpe Christian Primary School.

Our friends at Kapumpe run a primary school catering for some of the most vulnerable children in their community. We love their work!